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Milène Guermont

Discover the eigth portrait from our serie
My Work, My Jacket.

What motivates you most in design?

Giving functions to works to make them absolutely necessary in my daily life of the total art piece habitable MAISON GUERMONT.

What motivates you most in creation?

I cannot live without it, everything can inspire me. I think there are no limits to creation: one can create in all fields.

How would you define your world?

Sensory, romantic, and innovative.

Tell us a little bit about your story?

I was born in Normandy. My work is tactile and conceptual. I have three creative periods: concrete, pyramids, then total art.

What are your inspirations for creating? How do you approach a project?

Ideas for works come spontaneously based on my reflections and feelings. When it comes to commissions, I immerse myself in the space (sometimes over several seasons), I meet its actors, I dive into the history.

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Tell us about your special connection to polysensory concrete?

I brushed against a concrete wall in the heart of Geneva in 2007, and it felt like I was by the sea. Hence the desire to share this emotional journey with the creation of MAREE MATRICE, a work that emits the sound of the sea when you brush against my first sensitive concrete work.

What message did you want to convey through your "Phares" artwork?

It’s a lighthouse of lighthouses.
This monumental and interactive work creates a connection with its environment: the public and the city (when you slide your finger into the artwork’s heart rate sensor, PHARES lights up to the rhythm of your heart as well as the Eiffel Tower and the Montparnasse Tower during the A BEAT performance between the 3 monuments), the East and the West (dialogue with the Obelisk right next to it on Place de la Concorde)

Tell us about your work Maison Guermont, we love it! But what was your inspiration? To which audience is it addressed?

I think there is no limit to creation. One can even dream with a faucet!
I need an apartment, but I can’t help creating so everything has become a work of art from the parquet floor to the chandelier, including the small spoon and the air we breathe.

« ...I think there is no limit to creation... »

What is your favorite piece from Mont Saint Michel ?

The works in blue workwear embroidered with golden thread featuring designs of my works: tunic, jumpsuit… I love the contrast between a resistant matte material and the finesse of the sparkling thread designs.

Any hints about future projects?

Expansion of the total art piece habitable to allow others besides my lovers (laughs) to sleep in the Pharaoh’s bed or to take a bath and have a cocktail at the same time in the bar-shower. I also need to finish works in polysensory concrete abroad that I have put on hold.

Ultimate artwork in your eyes?


Your greatest inspiration?

The sea.

Your daily motto?

Art without limit.If something is not done, it’s because something better will come along.

A quote that inspires you?

“I have decided to be happy because it’s good for the health”

An artwork you would have dreamed of creating?

The Void by Yves Klein.

Your favorite color?

The sky blue of Paris.

Your favorite Le Mont Saint Michel piece?

The work-combi made from the iconic Mont St Michel moleskine embroidered with my drawings in golden thread.

Her best picks


Founded in 1913.


